Pandit Uday Bhawalkar is a leading Dhrupad singer. As a teenager he trained at the Dhrupad Kendra in Bhopal, and now follows the Dagarvani style of his later gurus - Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar and Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar. In 1987 he was awarded a gold medal by Ustad Nasir Aminuddin Dagar, one of the ‘senior’ Dagar brothers, kick-starting an acclaimed performance career.
In 1992 he helped establish the Veena Foundation in memory of his gurus, aiming to promote dhrupad and to give scholarships to economically challenged students. He has also contributed to film soundtracks, and now focuses much of his time on teaching from his home in Pune as well as through his position at the ITC Sangeet Research Academy.
"The real bliss of an artist lies in immersing oneself in the ragas, and letting the music take over his or her existence."
• Darbar Player: If short clips aren't Uday’s full-length version of Raag Bhimpalasi on the Darbar Player. We’re a small not-for-profit, and filming, editing, and hosting cost money - so subscribing costs $5/month, which we hope is an excellent price for such a wealth of unique music.
—Also see Living Traditions: 21 articles for 21st-century Indian classical music, our new series exploring how music with ancient roots continues to innovate in a fast-paced, interconnected modern world. Expand your appreciation!
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