Home Leicestershire Music Service Safeguarding Policy

Leicestershire Music Service Safeguarding Policy


1.1 The Leicester-Shire Schools Music Service (LSMS) takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children and young people entrusted to its care.

1.2 LSMS, as a Leicestershire County Council Service works closely with the LA Safeguarding Team

1.3 LSMS and its staff are committed to:

•Listening to, relating effectively with and valuing each individual child or young person in our care

•Ensuring that all members of staff, both teaching and support, full-time and part-time, are properly trained and supported.

•Ensuring that all members of staff with supervising and working directly with children and young people are recruiting following the LA safer recruitment processes and have a DBS conducted prior to them starting work.

1.4 LSMS recognises that some children and young people today are the victims of neglect and/or physical, sexual or emotional abuse and that our staff of the Service, by virtue of their regular contact with and knowledge of the children in their care, may identify such abuse.

1.5 Through this Policy LSMS aim to provide all staff with the necessary information to enable them to meet their safeguarding and child protection responsibilities and to ensure consistent good practice.

Responding to Suspicions of Abuse,Allegations or Evidence of Abuse

2.1 Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people is everyone’s business. The Statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE 2016)requires safeguarding updates to be regular, as required and at least annually.

2.2 Any member of LSMS staff who receives a disclosure of abuse or suspects that abuse may have occurred must report it as soon as possible to the Designated Senior Lead (DSL) at the school / centre where the disclosure has taken placeby:

o Writing it down

o Date it

o Sign it

o Do not investigate

o Keep it confidential

2.3 Where it is not possible to speak to the DSL at the School or Centre, a referral must be made;•Priority 1-Call the First Response Children’s Duty Team on 0116 3050005•Priority 2-Online Referral Form http://lrsb.org.uk/childreport

2.4 If the suspicions in any way involve the Headteacher then the report should be made in the first instance to the Chair of Governors of the Service or the County Council Allegations Manager 0116 305 7597

2.5 Under no circumstances should the disclosure be discussed withanyone other than those mentioned above.

2.6 It is, of course, the right of any individual as a citizen to make direct referrals to the local Safeguarding Team or the Police. However, we strongly advise members of staff to use the guidelines contained in this policy. If, however, you feel that the designated person has not responded appropriately to your concerns, then it is open to any member of staff to make a direct referral to the Safeguarding Team at County Hall. The service hopes, by making this statement that it demonstrates the commitment of this establishment to effective child protection.

Responding to Suspicions of Abuse, Allegationsor Evidence of Abuse against members of LSMS Staff

3.1 Any concerns or allegations about the conduct of a member of staff must be shared with the LSMS DSL Immediately

3.2 There must be no discussion about the concern with the person implicated

3.3 Once the allegation has been made, the DSL will contact the LA Safeguarding Team for appropriate advice.

The Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

4.1 The DSL shall ensure that they are fully conversant with the LCC Child Protection Procedures and will co-ordinate action on child abuse within school and service activities, ensuring that all staff are aware of their own responsibilities in relation to child protection.

4.2 The DSL is responsible for referring individual cases of suspected abuse to the Safeguarding Team and for liaising with the Safeguarding Team and other agencies on these and other general issues relating to child protection.

4.3 The DSL also has responsibility for organising and delivering training on all aspects of child protection within Service and acts as a point of reference on child protection issues for other staff.

4.4 The DSL is expected to support staff who make referrals.

The Role of Staff

5.1 Staff must adhere to this policy at all times and report any concerns immediately to the DSL

5.2 Staff behaviour must be professional at all times, including when communicating online

5.3 Staff should remember that they are in a position of trust and that the power and age difference between them and their pupils means that they are not “friends” with pupils

5.4 Staff should fully read and understand the Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings (Safer Recruitment Consortium –October 2015).

Working with Other Agencies

6.1 LSMS recognises that it is an agent of referral and not investigation. It fully accepts that the investigation of child abuse is the responsibility of the Safeguarding Team and the Police and will do everything possible to support and assist them in their task.

6.2 LSMS will endeavour to build relationships with other agencies so that understanding, trust and confidence can be built which will help to secure effective co-operation in cases of actual or suspected abuse.


7.1 The Service Designated Safeguarding Leads shall attend training as appropriate and shall attend update training at least every two years.

7.2 The Service Designated Safeguarding Leads shall keep themselves up-to-date with any updates provided through the LA Safeguarding Team.

7.3 Update training shall be provided to all staff on at least an annual basis with full training provided at least every three years.

7.4All Staff are provided with a copy of Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings (Safer Recruitment Consortium Oct 15), which they must read and adhere to.

Useful Contact Numbers

Priority 1 Telephone referrals to First Response0116 305 0005 (Online referrals http://lrsb.org.uk/childreport)

CSE consultation Line0116 3059521

CHANNEL referral (extremism / radicalisation 0116 248 6726

Allegations Manager / LADO –Mark Goddard 0116 305 7597

Safeguarding Development Officers –Simon Genders 0116 305 7750Ann Prideaux 0116 305 7317

Leicester City Council Safeguarding Contacts

Children’s Social Care Services –Duty & Advice –CSE concerns 24 hours –0116 454 1004

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) –Jill Parker 0116 454 2400

Safeguarding Development Officers –Julie Chapaneri 0116 454 3076Mohammed Patel 0116 454 14549


Helen Fisher

Sarah Barton-Wales

Chris Bale


This policy shall be reviewed at least annually

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